Global Science Summit

Albert Beckford Jones, President and CEO Trading & Consulting International, Inc. (a Chicago based international business development, strategy implementation and management consulting company) is the Advisor to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Research Competitiveness Program (RCP). Albert Jones assists RCP (and other AAAS programs) in their business development efforts with foreign governments, and institutions of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), research, innovation, and entrepreneurship; Albert Jones lays the ground work for international programmatic work and S&T collaboration. As the world’s largest general scientific society (founded in 1848) with more than 200 affiliated societies around the world encompassing more than 10 million researchers globally (and publisher of the leading research and news journal Science), AAAS has a commitment to strengthening science, technology, mathematics, engineering (STEM) ecosystems. The Research Competitiveness Program (RCP) has worked for more than twenty years to provide strategic assessment, peer review, training, and programs for innovation and entrepreneurship for governments, universities, foundations, and other STEM organizations.