April 16, 2007 – Coverage in the New York Times

The New York Times

April 16, 2007

By the Hour or the Day, an Office of One’s Own


New York – As a consultant to companies that want to expand their international reach, Albert Jones often finds himself far from his base in Chicago. But when he goes to meetings in places like Britain, Bahrain or Indonesia, he does not rely on a hotel conference center, a cramped hotel room or even a cafe to be his makeshift office. Instead, before each trip, he arranges to work in spaces run by the Regus Group, which has a network of 950 locations, consisting of meeting rooms and individual offices, which can be secured for an hour, a day or longer in cities as small as Frisco, Tex., and as far-flung as Abu Dhabi.

“Wherever I have business,” Mr. Jones said in early March as he prepared for another trip to the Middle East and Europe, “I have an office.”

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