Performance Improvement

Performance Improvement

Performance Improvement


Performance Improvement

Trading & Consulting International, Inc.’s Performance Improvement Services focus on practices, processes and systems, operations, and management.

Best Practices

Our company helps clients determine the best way to perform an international business process. Best practices serves as a source of creative insight for improving our clients’ businesses internationally. Our goal is to achieve breakthrough performance that saves our clients time, improves quality, lowers costs, and increases revenue.

Management Systems & Processes

Our International Management Systems & Processes services deliver processes or operations to the client, which are permanent or semi-permanent. Our systems/processes become ongoing functions to create the same product or service over and over again for the client. These services contrast with our project (support) advisory services, which are temporary, one-time undertakings/services focused on a single client objective.

Organization & Operations

We assist clients with the essential activities in the running of their international business operation for the purpose of producing value for their stakeholders. Our service focuses on the outcome of business operations in the harvesting of value from assets owned by the client, be it physical or intangible; our aim is to generate recurring revenue, increase the value of our clients’ international operations, and secure the revenue and value for those operations.

Change Management

We help international clients develop a structured approach to change individuals, teams, mangers, and employees in the organization that enables the transition from the current business state to a desired future business state, taking into account the different cultures that make up the enterprise.

Transformation Services

We help our clients implement beneficial changes to their international business operating model through key executive management initiative. Our aim is to align People, Process and Technology initiatives in the company more closely with its global business strategy and vision to support and help produce innovative new business strategies.

Succession Planning

We assist international organizations in the process of identifying and preparing suitable employees through mentoring, training and job rotations to replace key players in the company.

Shareholder & Director Services

Our service is designed for owners, executives, and directors of family owned (diversified) international businesses who are seeking guidance on how to establish or professionalize their board of directors. We assist companies in improving their existing set up and operations related to governance responsibilities of the family as owners and directors.