- Aerospace
- Automotive
- China
- Consumer Goods & Retail
- Educational Institutions
- Energy - Oil & Gas
- Family-Owned Conglomerates
- Financial Services
- Franchising
- Health Care & Hospitals
- Industrial Goods & Services
- Offset Programs
- Public (Non-Profit) Sector
- Real Estate
United Technologies Corporation (UTC, Pratt & Whitney) is an American multinational conglomerate headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut. It is one of the world’s largest companies that “designs, manufactures, services and supports aircraft engines, industrial gas turbines and space propulsion systems”. When UTC wanted to find an international partner in Asia to expand its landing gear operations and systems and satisfy its “Offset” requirements, they came to Trading & Consulting International, Inc. to provide Business Development and International Joint Venture Partner Selection Services; Trading & Consulting International successfully identified and recommended a viable international joint venture partner which was accepted by UTC, contributing greatly towards UTC’s international “Indirect Offset” requirement.
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One of General Motors’ (GM) largest international operations in the Middle East (and one of the largest in the world of its kind), is a partnership between Aljomaih Automotive Corporation (AAC) and General Motors that dates back to 1967. Work conducted by the leadership of Trading & Consulting International, Inc. resulted in:
• An approved Annual Operating Plan (AOP) covering vision/mission, strategic priorities, sales & marketing, operations, organization capabilities, financials, key performance indicators (KPIs), authority matrix, and performance-improvement and action plans
• A re-engineered finance/accounting, budget, cost control, treasury & funds, and insurance department(s)
• Standardized policies, procedures, processes, and reporting structures to centralize accounting activities
• An improved relationships with banks, insurance companies, auditors, holding level financial executives, and senior GM representatives, to resolve new credit issues, terms of payment, and leasing arrangements
• Preparation of annual sales, expense, capex, inventory, and cash flow targets for dealerships/lines of businesses
• Improvements in GM’s Dealer Operating Report (DOR) and 5-year strategic plan
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China is the world’s most populous country (over 1.4 billion), the second largest country by land (approximately 9.6 million square kilometers), and the second largest economy in the world.
Trading & Consulting International, Inc.’s leadership foresees a shift from an investment-oriented economy (that has so far driven China’s economic growth) towards a growing consumer market. Trading & Consulting International sees this shift as an opportunity. Hence, our work with China focuses on products, goods, and services that address the growth of the Chinese consumer market and related demand.
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Consumer Goods & Retail
Trading & Consulting International’s work in Consumer Goods & Retail is focused on e-commerce and online shopping. We believe that future purchases of retail goods and products will be increasingly conducted online, TV-channel shopping networks, and via handheld devices. Our Consumer Goods & Retail work centers around preparing our clients for this new world, driven by advances in technology, where one can “buy anything, anywhere, anytime” within and across borders.
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Educational Institutions
The U.S. Civilian Research Development Foundation (CRDF Global) is an independent non-profit, authorized by the U.S. Congress and funded by the National Science Foundation. CRDF promotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants, technical resources, training and services, and is based in Arlington, Virginia with offices in Moscow, Russia; Kyiv, Ukraine; Almaty, Kazakhstan; and Amman, Jordan.
When CRDF wanted to expand its activities to the Middle East and North Africa, the CRDF Board and CEO sought Trading & Consulting International, Inc.’s assistance to GoInternationally and create opportunities for international scientific partnerships with foreign governments, corporations, and institutions of higher education in the Middle East and North Africa regions. Trading & Consulting International leadership worked as the Senior Advisor to CRDF’s CEO and Board and created up to 50 business opportunities for CRDF with international institutions of higher education seeking to build knowledge-based economies to address global challenges in the fields of health, energy, agriculture, security, and human capital. CRDF is active in over 30 countries.
Trading & Consulting International, Inc.’s leadership work, with institutions of Higher Educational, is diverse, and has included:
• Implementation of international exchange agreements and programs between U.S. universities and foreign institutions in South America (Honduras and Costa Rica),
• Maturation of a Business Development Department at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) to enable the institution to pursue commercial projects that generate long-term revenue, support capital requirements, and lessen dependence on its endowment. KAUST is a $22 billion-plus USD endowed international co-educational graduate science and Research university located on the Red Sea in Thuwal (sited on more than 36 square kilometers, 4 sq. miles, encompassing a marine sanctuary and research facility)
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Energy – Oil & Gas
Trading & Consulting International leadership’s work in the Energy sector has primarily focused on Business Analyses and Executive Management Reporting. For instance, in the case of British Petroleum (BP), work involved the evaluating 60 proposed capital investments on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline for BP’s executive management review and approval, and providing support to the Executive Support Unit for the C.E.O. of BP Exploration -Western Hemisphere.
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Family Owned Conglomerates
Some of the world’s largest family-run-businesses are Walmart (United States), Samsung Group (Korea), Tata Group (India) and Foxconn (Taiwan). Family owned businesses account for over 30% of companies with sales over $1 billion, according to the Harvard Business Review. In India, many of its public companies were originally family businesses, and in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman), the majority of the largest companies are international (diversified) family owned conglomerates.
Trading & Consulting International, Inc. leadership has extensive experience advising U.S. corporations vis-a-vis International Family Owned Conglomerates. We bring tremendous insight to projects and assignments, having past experience working directly for international family enterprises (in a senior role) alongside family owners.
Our work with family enterprises includes business strategy, governance, implementation of consulting work (conducted by some of the most prestigious management consulting companies in the world), standardization and system improvement, consolidation of finances, centralizing reporting of important information to the family holding company, authority matrix, international partnerships, and family business cultures.
We believe family owner participation in senior roles can strengthen an international family conglomerate because family members are often loyal and dedicated to their company’s goals and objectives. However, in some cases, this participation can present unique challenges when the dynamics of the family business system are not aligned with building sustainable professional business systems (corporate-family models). A family enterprise can experience significant losses in its reputation, brand equity, and profitability that can be passed on to its U.S. counterpart/partner, if it does not make improvements in systems, processes, and reporting mechanisms that drive sound decision-making.
Trading & Consulting International, Inc. can work with Family Enterprises and Family-Owned Conglomerates to improve this imbalance. Without this improvement, Family Enterprises risk losing:
• Valuable franchise arrangements with prominent U.S. companies
• Ability to attract future joint-venture partnerships
• Reputation to recruit and retain talent inside and outside their respective home countries
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Financial Services
Trading & Consulting leadership’s work in the Financial Service sector has primarily focused on Business Analyses, as well as strategic planning, investment management, and competitive studies. For instance, the leadership has:
• Served on executive management’s integration task forces to implement the merger between two $34 billion institutions: Key Bank and Society Banking Corporation;
• Conducted a competitive analysis of 22 regional and nine money center banks with assets totaling more than $22 billion dollars at First Chicago (now known as J.P. Morgan Chase)
More recent work has included:
• Leading (U.S. & Global) business development efforts, as a series 7 and 66 licensed financial investment advisor
• Advising KeyBank’s executive management on high net-worth international relationships and leading KeyBank’s international Business Development efforts to attract foreign investments to the bank’s real estate development portfolio – one of the largest in the United States.
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The United States is the world leader in franchising with over 1 million established franchised businesses generating over $ 1 trillion of output. Many of these businesses offer tested and successful models that are prepared to GoInternationally. Trading & Consulting International, Inc. can help your company GoInternationally:
• Whether you are a U.S. company desiring to expand your franchise to other countries
• Whether you are an overseas concern (Family Conglomerate) desiring to add a U.S. franchise to your enterprise.
With some advice, guidance, and assistance from Trading & Consulting International, we can help you secure a viable joint venture partnership (in a “win-win situation”) or retain your independence internationally.
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Health Care & Hospitals
The U.S. has more than 5,000 hospitals and remains one of the most desired places in the world to receive medical treatment in a variety of areas.
People from all over the world travel to the U.S. to receive medical treatment; this includes leaders of foreign governments, those who can afford, and those whose cases could not be resolved by the government-funded treatments in their own countries. Now, partnerships and Joint Ventures between U.S. hospitals and medical schools and overseas health related institutions are creating “win-win” situations for all parties that spur economic development, new construction, job creation, training, teaching, and collaborative research opportunities.
Already, several of America’s leading medical institutions (i.e. Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and Mayo Clinic in Minnesota) have internationalized their practices and begun to build satellite hospitals abroad: Philadelphia International Medicine has made a $1 billion investment in a specialty hospital in Jeju, a South Korean resort island, in cooperation with the government of South Korea; John Hopkins has ventures in Turkey, Singapore, China and Panama, and long-standing affiliation with the General Health Authority for Health Services in the United Arab Emirates.
Trading & Consulting International foresees an increase in, and supports movement towards:
● Joint ventures between U.S. and overseas medical institutions
● Continuous technological breakthroughs where, for example, the operating surgeon is in New York, and the patient in France, and through a high-quality telecommunications circuit, the doctors in New York will be able to guide the movements of a robot in France.
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Industrial Goods & Services
Trading & Consulting International’s work in Industrial Goods and Service has focused on international joint ventures and partnerships associated with “Offset Programs:
“… An Offset Agreement is an agreement between two parties whereby a supplier agrees to buy products from the party to whom it is selling, in order to win the buyer as a customer and offset the buyer’s outlay. Generally the seller is a foreign company and the buyer is a government that stipulates that the seller must then agree to buy products from companies within their country. Often, the aim of this process is to even-up a country’s balance of trade. This is frequently an integral part of international defense contracts” (reference, the Defense, Procurement, and Acquisition Policy/DPAP).”
Trading & Consulting International, Inc. works with the “Indirect” side of the Offset spectrum, that pertaining to civilian-related projects and businesses. “Indirect Offset” opportunities arise “when the supplier is expected to purchase goods from the buyer, which are unrelated to the initial product being supplied. These could include raw materials, agricultural commodities or other products”, according to DPAP. Today, many foreign countries require “Indirect Offset” related projects and businesses be pursued that contribute to the country’s diversification strategy, improvement in education, and job creation goals; this is especially true for many countries in the east which aspire to build knowledge-based economies with emphasis on science and technology.
Trading & Consulting International’s Industrial Goods and Services work has involved helping clients build world-class systems, processes, and facilities through “Indirect Offset” program opportunities. For instance, when the Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network (MAGNET, formerly CAMP) wanted to expand its activities across international borders, it sought Trading & Consulting International, Inc. for advice. Founded in 1984, Magnet is a U.S. non-profit organization dedicated to helping manufacturers compete and grow. Trading & Consulting International, Inc. worked with Magnet’s CEO to develop an international strategy and, then, arranged and participated in meetings overseas with parties that had an interest in Magnet’s services and building a world-class “magnet-like” facility aimed at:
• “…Helping companies achieve bottom-line efficiencies through increased productivity and process improvement programs while improving top-line sales through a variety of new product development and growth strategies”.
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Offset Programs
More than 120 countries around the world have some type of offset program (i.e. economic offset, countertrade, industrial participation, industrial cooperation, and industrial benefits). Offset is involved with the sales of infrastructural and/or large items, both defense and non-defense, to foreign governments, which require the seller to provide some economic benefit to the country. Some have considered it a form of International (or Global) Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR/GCSR).
Trading and Consulting International, Inc. offers consulting services, only, on “indirect offset” opportunities (that is civilian-related projects in which the items or services involved in the transaction are unrelated to the items or services exported or to be exported by the U.S. firm). We work with U.S. companies to help them meet their international customers’ key civilian economic offset project objectives associated with:
• The promotion of industrial development, economic diversification, and national training (creation and development of high-skill professional jobs) and employment,
• Sub-contracting, co-production, investment, marketing assistance, the generation of hard currency, or other acceptable civilian offset-related activities.
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Public (Non-Profit) Sector
Much of Trading & Consulting International’s work in the public (not-for-profit) sector have been related to public-private partnerships.
The U.S. Civilian Research Development Foundation (CRDF Global) is an independent non-profit, authorized by U.S. Congress and funded by the National Science Foundation; it promotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants, technical resources, training and services.
When CRDF wanted to expand its activities to the Middle East and North Africa, CRDF’s management and Board of Directors sought Trading & Consulting International, Inc. assistance to GoInternationally and create opportunities for international scientific partnerships with foreign governments, corporations, and institutions of higher education in the Middle East-North Africa regions. Trading & Consulting International, Inc. created up to 50 business opportunities, for CRDF, with international institutions seeking to build knowledge-based economies to address global challenges in the fields of health, energy, agriculture, security and human capital.
And when the Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network (MAGNET formerly CAMP) wanted to expand its activities across international borders, its CEO sought Trading & Consulting International, Inc. advise. Founded in 1984, Magnet is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping manufacturers compete and grow. Trading & Consulting International, Inc. worked with Magnet’s CEO to develop an international strategy and, then, arranged and participated in meetings overseas with parties that might have an interest in Magnet’s services aimed at:
• helping companies achieve bottom-line efficiencies through increased productivity and process improvement programs while improving top-line sales through a variety of new product development and growth strategies.
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Real Estate
Trading & Consulting International, Inc.’s work in Real Estate has primarily focused on building viable business cases for large real estate development projects in the U.S. and overseas and raising capital. For instance, Trading & Consulting International’s leadership’s work has included:
• Drafting the scope of work and directing real estate consultants (KPMG and Dar Al Handasah –Perkins and Will) on the master planning and structuring of a potential $1/2 billion, 2 million square meter mixed-use (resort, hotel, retail and 4000 residential components) commercial real estate development opportunity along the Red Sea.
• Advising KeyBank’s executive management on high net-worth international relationships and leading their international Business Development efforts to attract foreign investments to the Bank’s U.S. real estate development portfolio – one of the largest in the United States.
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